March 17

It’s March 17th and the sun is shining and yet snow drifts remain across our driveway and field from our February blizzard. And time is hazy these days. What day is it? What year is it? Should I be planting? sleeping? doing yoga?

I was feeling a bit disoriented and supposing that I was late getting into the greenhouse, Sara’s Sanity Shack, that is, so I wandered out 2 days ago and opened my journal from last year…only to discover that my first entry last year was…(drum roll please) March 15, a year ago to the date!

So I’ve swept and dusted, repaired plumbing and turned on the pump and planted 32 varieties of tomatoes…I know…don’t say anything…Actually, my strategy (excuse) this year is to use up all remaining older seeds and I did. I love tomatoes.

Oh, and I spotted my little resident mouse slipping out the door jamb and reminding me of his exploits last year, eating baby pepper plants and resting in the flats….Here we go again! Thank goodness for this greenhouse and Spring and dirt in my hands. AND I love the company of family — Junior the kitty and Cooper, our new hound.
